How To Create A Cyber Security Culture

When it comes to cybersecurity, it’s never down to just one person or department to keep your organisation safe. In fact, it’s crucial to understand that maintaining robust cyber defences is every employee’s responsibility, and it’s worth remembering that it can often only take one little mistake for a catastrophic data breach to occur. Simply put, in IT security terms, your company is only as strong as its weakest link, so creating a culture that understands the importance of upholding cybersecurity is the most valuable thing you can do.

Cyber Crime: The Dangers

Cyber attacks are incredibly common, with studies showing that such events are taking place every 39 seconds [1]. It’s big business, too, with the annual cost of cyber attacks expected to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025. The recent Covid pandemic has proved a boom for cyber criminals, too, with the FBI revealing that cyber attacks in the USA alone have increased by a staggering 300% since this period. In the UK, being a victim of a breach can not only prove financially ruinous (there could be fines and lawsuits to add to revenue stolen or lost as a result of an attack), but will also likely cause extensive reputational damage.

Perhaps more worrying still, are the facts that it typically takes a company six months to realise that a breach has even taken place. And, worst of all, 95% of all breaches are the result of simple human error. This, of course, means that spending all the money in the world on sophisticated software technologies is of little use if you don’t have the right cyber security culture at your organisation.

Create A Culture Of Mindfulness

Employees need to be proactive against the threat of cyber crime and this means education is your first step. Make sure that all team members know that they have a duty to uphold the company’s cyber protocols, and why following the rules is so important. These rules should cover aspects such as logging in, password protection, and how to spot the warning signs of a phishing attack. A “zero trust” mindset should be instilled, and employees should be especially mindful when using their own personal devices to access work files or systems. Regularly testing employees on cyber security matters is also a good move.

Of course, technology complements and underpins a robust training programme, and the latest firewalls and anti-virus software should be installed and then managed carefully. Ensure that all updates and patches are installed promptly, and make sure that there is a plan in place should the worst happen, and a breach occurs. Responding quickly is the best way to minimise damage and loss to your firm.

Bring In The Experts

You can create a resilient culture of cyber security when you team up with the experts. At Reflective IT, we can help your organisation to build a training programme that suits your needs, as well as craft the rigorous technological defences your company needs. We can even provide outsourced IT support, giving you valuable peace of mind. Find out more today at



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